Monday, May 4, 2009


I've been wanting to start a music blog for awhile. One that Reviews and Recommends (hence the title) albums. Not just another blog or website with ulterior motives, just flat out honest feedback on albums that are out, or coming out. I would like crowd participation with this as well, so if there are albums I need to be checking out, link me to it, give me a quick summary, and I'll check it out.

Music, as for many people, has been the reason for me to climb out of bed every morning. The excitement and amazement that today, someone, somewhere, will create something truly great and unique, and we'll have the chance to be involved. We'll sit listening, hundreds or thousands of miles away from the artists, never meet them, but feel that they know us better than anyone on this planet. That's pretty powerful shit. I'm going to do my best to give you some solid recommendations. It's that simple.
